The North of England Beach Soccer league is being set up for beach soccer teams throughout the North of England to enter into.

Even at this very early stage of the league's development, it doesn't matter what type of team you are, at what quality or what age or gender and indeed is therefore an all inclusive sport and league.
The North of England Beach Soccer League is working directly with England Beach Soccer and the National League Beach Soccer and to quote from their latest marketing announcement.
'The second exciting area is the emergence of the Northern Beach Soccer League with the aim to align beach soccer with Lancashire FA and bring a new northern men’s and women’s set of teams to compete at the national league finals later this year.
The aim will be to centralise both North and South teams in an annual playoff after a season of activity to decide who will be English Women’s and Men’s Champions and further represent England at the annual European Cup along with unearthing national league talent for international team selection and trials.'
Indeed very exciting times ahead and just to clarify, teams consist of up to 10 payers, with 5 on the playing sand area at any one time. Unlimited player substitutions mean the pace and flow of the game is unrelenting and in Beach Soccer there is always a winner, with the match proceeding to extra time following by penalty kicks if the score is tied either at the end of normal time or after the extra time period.
It is commonly recognised that training on sand actually improves fitness, quickness of mind, hand, foot, eye co-ordination and rehabilitation after injury, whilst in addition creating better community spirit and togetherness.
All of those personnel, teams, existing traditional football and related football clubs, futsal etc, and anybody wishing to get involved in whatever way, please do get in touch by emailing; or indeed by phoning and speaking with either:
Geoff Moore on 07957811696 or Vito Cinardi on 07816581821